Thursday, January 21, 2010



Unique Golf Putting Instruction Program.

Saves Up To 8 Strokes Per Round.

Putting Instruction Putting Problems Putting Technique

Finally! Putting Instruction Which Makes A Permanent Difference On The Greens!

Now you can Radically Improve Your Putting, by getting the Correct Putting Instruction and start playing with a full golf game today..

Putt like a pro.. literally - without having to take any conventional putting instruction..
Get results fast…minimum practice - maximum output..

Know exactly what you’re doing on the greens.. this is a FUN feeling!....
You become the master on the putting greens.. and you collect the money in the clubhouse...

And finally you'll get to discover why everyone makes those "stupid mistakes" on the greens, you know, like being short on lag putts or missing those "easy" little putts, which are killing your scorecard!...

You don't have to make those "mistakes" any more ...
Five minutes from now you can have all the answers right in front of you. And you'll be amazed at how easy it is to correct those irritating putting mistakes all golfers seem to make, once you have the proper putting instruction at hand.
This is instruction for golfers with limited time budgets, not like pros who can practice all day, every day.

The Key Benefit Of The Unique Impact Putting Instruction Program is Simplicity ...

3 ways to have precise distance control, without using feel.. the biggest putting problem solved...
1 Unique way to square the putter face exactly for impact (when last checked my blade was only one-tenth of one degree out from being perfectly aligned at impact). You won’t find this technique in any other putting instruction...
1 single practice putt you do at home for a few minutes a week, which keeps you right at the top of your putting game..
3 unique timing rhythms which lock-in total control of your putter speed through the ball, giving you precise distance control..
1 two-minute procedure which you do just before playing. This programs in the exact green speeds for that day, no guessing or feel needed…
1 unique short-putt procedure which defies the yips. You can now be precise, to the inch, with your short putting. Problems with short putts no longer exist..
2 ways to make exact adjustments for how gradients affect your putts….

Find Out More -Click Here-

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