Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I thought you'd be interested in this - BMT

This is just a quick note to see if you've heard the latest news.

I know the high cost of living is becoming a problem. While I was looking for some answers, I discovered a program which claimed to generate a passive income with no risk and very little work.... Yeah, right!

Rather skeptically I tried it and the results took me by surprise. They were telling the truth. When I saw the system actually working, I knew I’d found something special.

I was also reassured when I discovered they’re a registered international company with a two year history of helping people create passive in.come.

Sorry to ramble on a bit, but they’ve really got me excited. Now that I have an answer to the high cost of living, I just had to share it with you.

So, if you're interested in having a new recurring income without recurring work, visit my website at

Best wishes

Riaan G

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Daily PEP-Talks help you become MORE SUCCESSFUL


As a Bronze Member you receive all the following products and services that help you achieve balanced success plus keys to wealth creation!

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To your success,

Riaan Goussard
Be Motivated Today

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Friday, July 30, 2010

International online opportunity for you - Preview

Extremely successful Local business going international in August.

You can impact your world with your unique strengths and gifts. Let us encourage you on the journey to become and do all you were born to be and do. You will start seeing yourself as an awesome, incredible Winner, and be empowered with success skills and strategies to become more successful in every area of your life.

No countries will be excluded. Everyone who understands, wants the product and the opportunity, is welcome.

For a preview click here

Will be ready for the international market by 4 August 2010.
After 4 August you can sign up for a free trial here

Please do not sign up yet as everything is not yet ready for the international market.


To your success!

Riaan G

A simple system, no selling or recruiting. FULLY AUTOMATED.
The highest pay-out in the world.
(have a look but only join when it is ready by 4 August)


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Friday, January 22, 2010


Drive longer, slice no more and lower your handicap by at least 7 strokes in 2 weeks guaranteed and tested (see testimonials on link!)


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Save time, money spent on lessons, frustration


Learn the unique setup and 5-step system in 3 hours and by the beginning of week

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Dale Morvaji dropped 10 strokes in one week. It took the work of hitting

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To read more click here....


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Thursday, January 21, 2010



Unique Golf Putting Instruction Program.

Saves Up To 8 Strokes Per Round.

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Now you can Radically Improve Your Putting, by getting the Correct Putting Instruction and start playing with a full golf game today..

Putt like a pro.. literally - without having to take any conventional putting instruction..
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Know exactly what you’re doing on the greens.. this is a FUN feeling!....
You become the master on the putting greens.. and you collect the money in the clubhouse...

And finally you'll get to discover why everyone makes those "stupid mistakes" on the greens, you know, like being short on lag putts or missing those "easy" little putts, which are killing your scorecard!...

You don't have to make those "mistakes" any more ...
Five minutes from now you can have all the answers right in front of you. And you'll be amazed at how easy it is to correct those irritating putting mistakes all golfers seem to make, once you have the proper putting instruction at hand.
This is instruction for golfers with limited time budgets, not like pros who can practice all day, every day.

The Key Benefit Of The Unique Impact Putting Instruction Program is Simplicity ...

3 ways to have precise distance control, without using feel.. the biggest putting problem solved...
1 Unique way to square the putter face exactly for impact (when last checked my blade was only one-tenth of one degree out from being perfectly aligned at impact). You won’t find this technique in any other putting instruction...
1 single practice putt you do at home for a few minutes a week, which keeps you right at the top of your putting game..
3 unique timing rhythms which lock-in total control of your putter speed through the ball, giving you precise distance control..
1 two-minute procedure which you do just before playing. This programs in the exact green speeds for that day, no guessing or feel needed…
1 unique short-putt procedure which defies the yips. You can now be precise, to the inch, with your short putting. Problems with short putts no longer exist..
2 ways to make exact adjustments for how gradients affect your putts….

Find Out More -Click Here-



No slice or hook and longer, consistent and accurate drives within two weeks
Learn the unique setup and 5-step-system in 3 hours and by the beginning of week 2 you will play the best golf of your life
Dale Morvaji dropped 10 strokes in one week and this after using the simple golf swing and hitting 100 balls on the driving range (read more below!)




Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Effect of Grip on Ball Flight

How Your Grip Effects Ball Flight

Best business opportunity-click here]

Today I am going to visit with you on the proper grip.
This is the grip that you should take as you prepare to hit a golf shot.

There have been many different opinions on this topic, but very few instructors tell you WHY you should grip the club a certain way.
The reason that the grip is SO important is because it is the only part of your body that controls the clubface, your hands.

If you have a tendency to slice the golf ball, try this:
Move both hands to the right so you can see one or two knuckles (top knuckles) of the left hand. The most important part of placing your grip is to make sure both palms are facing each other. So adjust the left hand, and then adjust the right hand so that your right palm is facing the left palm. - Strong Grip

If you have a tendency to hook the golf ball, move both hands towards the left (palms facing), and you should see no knuckles on your left hand. - Weak Grip

When I mention the knuckles that I have been referring to, here's what I mean.

1. After you have addressed the golf ball and you look down at your hands from the address position. 2. You should look at your left hand to see if you can see any knuckles.

Now let's talk about grip pressure.

Tip: The tighter you grip the golf club; the more the golf ball has a tendency to go off to the right. The looser you grip the golf club; the tendency will be for the golf ball to go off to the left.

Most of the time when I am giving a golf lesson, I can see the whites of my student's knuckles because they are gripping the golf club so tight. This is incorrect! Hall of Fame golfer Sam Snead once said "Hold the club as if you are holding a bird in your hands." Another quote that I once heard is that you should grip the club like you were holding a tube of toothpaste.

Next week, I'll come back to you with a great putting strategy to get this season started off right. It's all about distance control with putting. Until then, 20 swings in the garage every day will start to loose up those stiff muscles. Take care.

David Nevogt and Bobby Eldridge -Head Professional

If you would like to get more instruction like this, please check out our book or DVD. You can find them here:
Tap here to see The Book

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hi there,

"The Simple Golf Swing" System is a unique 5-step system of body movements, designed to simplify the golf swing. After purchasing this system, the average handicap reduction has been 12 strokes. I guarantee at least 7. Try it out through our 60-day, money back trial period. That's two months. I offer that strong guarantee because I want your golf game to experience tremendous success, and NOTHING less.

This is a great tip to add height and power to your shot.

Experiment with a Weak Grip

In my experience, a weaker grip adds power and height to the average golfer's shot. I recommend at least experimenting with it. When you take your grip, V's should be created between the thumb and pointer (index) finger of your right and left hand. For my example, I'll use the right-handed golfer. Most golfers learn from the beginning, to make both of the V's created point at the right (back) shoulder. The result is a fairly strong grip. Here are the steps you should take if you are interested in trying a weaker grip.

1. Put the strong grip on the club. (Both V's pointed at your right shoulder)

2. Don't move your left hand

3. Keeping your right pinky in place, unlock the rest of your right hand, and rotate everything over the top of the grip. Your left thumb should be totally enclosed by your right palm. Now the V formed by your right hand should be pointed more at your head, or maybe even toward your left shoulder.

This new grip is going to feel strange at first, and may not work with your particular swing. But with certain swings, this weak grip is the missing link.

To Order "The Simple Golf Swing" Tap Here

The Ball of Choice
I am recommending the Srixon AD 333. You can get them for about $20 per dozen, and I find that they perform much better than other balls in that price range. If you want to upgrade, look into the Srixon UR-X. Srixon makes the best balls available today, and many of the tour players use them. They are top notch, and if you haven't tried them, you'll be very pleasantly surprised with their performance. The UR-X is very comparable to the Titleist Pro V1.

Thanks again, and have a great day!

David Nevogt

The Book

This is a Brand New Swing Theory so you won't find this in bookstores, or in pro shops.

The Swing theory is a direct result of golf instruction "gone bad" over many years.

With this golf swing, it is possible for ANYONE to become a good golfer. We've taught thousands of golfers on the internet, through this New instruction theory, and through our golf schools, and almost everyone is successful with this swing theory.

This is for the golfer that has unsuccessfully tried other methods, as well as for the beginner.

We look forward to working with you, and we hope that you will use these tips and the book to meet all of your golfing goals. Good Luck

Tap Here for Your Discount

Saturday, January 16, 2010



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