Hi there,
"The Simple Golf Swing" System is a unique 5-step system of body movements, designed to simplify the golf swing. After purchasing this system, the average handicap reduction has been 12 strokes. I guarantee at least 7. Try it out through our 60-day, money back trial period. That's two months. I offer that strong guarantee because I want your golf game to experience tremendous success, and NOTHING less.
This is a great tip to add height and power to your shot.
Experiment with a Weak Grip
In my experience, a weaker grip adds power and height to the average golfer's shot. I recommend at least experimenting with it. When you take your grip, V's should be created between the thumb and pointer (index) finger of your right and left hand. For my example, I'll use the right-handed golfer. Most golfers learn from the beginning, to make both of the V's created point at the right (back) shoulder. The result is a fairly strong grip. Here are the steps you should take if you are interested in trying a weaker grip.
1. Put the strong grip on the club. (Both V's pointed at your right shoulder)
2. Don't move your left hand
3. Keeping your right pinky in place, unlock the rest of your right hand, and rotate everything over the top of the grip. Your left thumb should be totally enclosed by your right palm. Now the V formed by your right hand should be pointed more at your head, or maybe even toward your left shoulder.
This new grip is going to feel strange at first, and may not work with your particular swing. But with certain swings, this weak grip is the missing link.
To Order "The Simple Golf Swing"
Tap HereThe Ball of Choice
I am recommending the Srixon AD 333. You can get them for about $20 per dozen, and I find that they perform much better than other balls in that price range. If you want to upgrade, look into the Srixon UR-X. Srixon makes the best balls available today, and many of the tour players use them. They are top notch, and if you haven't tried them, you'll be very pleasantly surprised with their performance. The UR-X is very comparable to the Titleist Pro V1.
Thanks again, and have a great day!
David Nevogt
The Book
This is a Brand New Swing Theory so you won't find this in bookstores, or in pro shops.
The Swing theory is a direct result of golf instruction "gone bad" over many years.
With this golf swing, it is possible for ANYONE to become a good golfer. We've taught thousands of golfers on the internet, through this New instruction theory, and through our golf schools, and almost everyone is successful with this swing theory.
This is for the golfer that has unsuccessfully tried other methods, as well as for the beginner.
We look forward to working with you, and we hope that you will use these tips and the book to meet all of your golfing goals. Good Luck
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